
Children in Islam

17:12 - 2023/11/20

- One of the important parts of Islamic teachings is about children and their rights and duties. And also the way adults treat them, we mention some of them:

On the occasion of International Children's Day

15:58 - 2023/11/20

-  A child is a person who is less than 18 years old. This word also means simplicity and purity. Since children are the future of any society, they are very important and should be treated as they deserve. Supporting children and their rights is one of the important duties of human society. So far, modern human society has made many efforts to support children's rights, which can be mentioned the UNICEF and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Palestinian Kids, Victims of the Murderous Israeli Regime

Palestinian Kids
10:23 - 2021/05/20

Do you feel the pain this Palestinian is going through?

Family's impact on children's upbringing

father and son
11:18 - 2016/10/10

Parents' behavior in home has a major impact on children's upbringing, and it should be noted that they usually practice in accordance with whatever they have seen.

Justice Among Children

Justice Among Children
19:01 - 2016/08/30

Summary:One of the capital mistakes is discrimination in the treatment of children. Some people favor their older and so called senior child and others favor their younger child.

In the name of God! do not fight in the presence of your children!

 In the name of God! do not fight in the presence of your children!
17:11 - 2016/02/09

The statistics indicate that lot of gallivanting, alcoholic and anti-social children is the consequence of the disturbed atmosphere at home.


16:12 - 2016/02/09

Only those persons can competently train and bring up children properly who had similar upbringing themselves in their childhood. They will have better understanding of the nature and psyche of the children. The parents who have differences and pick up fights over trivialities will be incompetent in bringing up children.

Do not force your children

force children 14:20 - 2015/08/11

“Don't force your children to follow your traditions, surely they have been created for a