Defending Palestine is defending the truth

14:39 - 2017/06/25
Defending Palestine is defending the truth

According to the supreme leader, Palestine is an inseparable part of the Islamic lands and Israel is a real example of an arrogant and usurper regime that occupied the Palestinians land and established their illegal state. Hence, Muslims must not forget the Quds and the Palestine.

The leader of the Islamic revolution addressed the university professors on Wednesday, June 21th approaching the International Quds Day. He said: “The Quds Day is very important. It is not just that we are defending an oppressed nation that has been driven out of its home. We are actually fighting against an oppressive and an arrogant political system.” [1] He also noticed that defending Palestine equals defending the truth; because, Israel is an illegal, usurper and terrorist regime which was established by Britain in 1948 and has been supported by the US since then. As a result, thousands of Palestinians have been killed and a huge number of them forced to leave their home without having the right to return. The regime has violated several international resolutions and articles which are made by the UN. Although, the US and the UK with legal support of the UN have tried their best to let the Palestine be forgotten, the International Quds Day reminds Muslims about the Palestine and Palestinians.



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