Lessons From the uprising of Imam Hussain (a.s)

11:12 - 2020/08/31


The day of Ashura is a day of mourning for all lovers of the Prophet (PBUH) and his pure household (Ahl al-Bayt). In fact, it is expected of all Muslims world-wide to condole the Prophet of God, Lady Fatimah Zahra (a.s), Imam Ali (a.s) and all members of the Prophet’s household including the Imam of our age (Imam Mahdi) for this unjust killing on the day of Ashura.
However, this should never deprive us of drawing the required lessons from this unparalleled tragedy, since there are numerous lessons that could be learned from the Imam's uprising against the tyrant leader and his martyrdom on the day of Ashura. In the light of this, here are some of the lessons from this historic uprising:
LESSON 1: Never support injustice and oppression
One of the unique messages of the uprising of Imam Husain (a.s) is that one should always be an advocate of justice and freedom and we should never support injustice and oppression. No matter how powerful the oppressor or how many the number of the oppressors might be, one should always be an advocate of justice and the oppressed ones.
LESSON 2: Always be with the truth and the truthful ones
The day of Ashura, year 61 A.H, witnessed a battle between truth and falsehood. Imam Husain and his companions represented the truth while Yazid and his allies represented the falsehood. Thus, one of the universal lessons we should learn from the uprising of Imam Husain on the day of Ashura is that we should always be with the truth and the truthful ones.
LESSON 3: No price is too high in defense of truth
On the day of Ashura, Imam Husain (a.s) gave everything he could in defense of truth (i.e. Islam). And that is to buttress that no price is too high to be paid in the defense of truth and believe me, such a sacrifice will not go uncompensated for in this world and in the Hereafter.
LESSON 4: Death with dignity
In one of his speeches, Imam Husain (a.s) stated that he preferred a death with honour to a life with humiliation. A believer is always honorable and respected in the sight of Allah. Thus, at no point should he submit to humiliation, particularly in relation to his religion.
LESSON 5: The significance of enjoining good
It was categorically stated in the speech of Imam Husain (a.s) that one of his objectives for his uprising against the tyrant ruler was “to enjoin good and forbid evil”. And he (a.s) sacrificed everything he could afford in order to achieve this noble goal.  Thus, every believer should endeavor to enjoin good and forbid evil.

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