Who is the best kind friend in the whole world?

11:29 - 2022/05/28
Allah is the best Keeper, and  He is the most Merciful  of the merciful ones

One of the attributes of God is His special kindness to creatures. We have two examples of amiability in the Qur'an, one is general kindness and the other is special kindness.

The meaning of God's general mercy in this world is that He has mercy in this world that does not exist in the Hereafter; The various possibilities and talents that are commonly available to all human beings are the manifestation of the mercy of God, which does not exist in the Hereafter, but nevertheless, God is also "Merciful" in the Hereafter and has vast mercy, and whoever has no obstacle, He can benefit from the vast divine mercy.

Also, the meaning of God's especially mercy in the hereafter is that he has especially mercy in the hereafter that is not in this world and that is eternal paradise. The kinds of blessings that are available to worthy human beings in the Hereafter are the manifestation of His especially mercy, which does not exist in this world, but nevertheless, God Almighty is also "especially Merciful" in this world and can be kind to all merciful servants and whoever has no obstacle can Benefit from the special divine mercy.

Hence, in a sense, "Rahman" is a general attribute and "Rahim" is a specific attribute of God.

Therefore, it should be said that God Almighty is merciful to all human beings and is much more merciful to those who obey him.

One of the manifestations of God's mercy for guiding human beings is sending prophets and revealing their books. In the present age, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the Qur'an and the 12 infallible successors after him are among the best acts of God's mercy for people.

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