Supplication of sacrificing for the love of Allah

08:43 - 2022/08/13
Supplication of sacrificing for the love of Allah


Supplication of sacrificing for the love of Allah [1]

Imam Hussain's supplication with Allah in the last moments of his life:

O my Lord and my master ... I like to be killed seventy thousand times for the sake of your love and obedience to you, especially when my martyrdom will help your religion and will revive your orders and will protect your religion. [2]



[1]. The reference of the title: A chapter on Hussain (A.S), Hussain Eskandari, translator: Mohammad Yaghoobian, p. 78

[2]. The Encyclopedia of Imam Hussain's words, p. 482: الهی و سیّدی وَدَدتُ أَن أُقتَلَ وَ أُحیِیَ سَبعینَ ألفَ مَرَّةٍ فی طاعَتِکَ و مَحَبَّتِکَ سِیَّما إذا کانَ فی قَتلی نُصرَةُ دینِکَ و إحیاءُ أَمرِکَ وَ حِفظُ ناموسِ شَرعِکَ

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