The virtues of the companion of Imam Hussain (A.S)

09:52 - 2023/07/23

-Imam Husain (a.s) and his companions exhibited the greatest values a persona can achieve. Conversely, their enemies showed the worst vices a person can suffer from.

The virtues of the companion of Imam Hussain (A.S)

companions of Imam Hussain:The virtues of the companions  Imam Hussain  (A.S)

In the Karbala incident, a fundamental question must be raised, and that is, what were the virtues of the companions of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) before the day of Ashura took place that they able to sacrifice their lives for their Imam?

Love for Allah

 This love is not a matter of obedience but it is a level much higher than obedience. Love is to go out of your way to please your beloved.

It is love that kept the companions of Imam Husayn (a) with him, even after he gave them permission to leave. Even though he encouraged them to leave the battlefield to a safe haven with Imam’s family members, none of them left.


According to the narrations, patience in relation to faith (imiin) is like the head to the body. The three types of patience are with respect to a) performing obligatory acts, b) refraining from forbidden acts, and c) during a calamity. A believer is patient with respect to these difficulties, and this patience is rewarded in the hereafter.

Before leaving Mecca, Imam Husayn (a) delivered a speech in which he said, “We are patient in the face of Allah’s trials, and He will reward us with the reward of those who are patient.[1]

Worship Allah

In the description of the night of Ashura, it has been said, " The whispers of the night of Ashura were like the whispers of a beehive, and everyone spent that night bowing, prostrating, standing up, and rising." If it wasn't for that, Karbala would not be Karbala.  The one who does not have a great, spiritual and glorious night cannot make a great, epic and great day.[2]

Keeping the promise

In the nigh of Ashura, Imam (peace be upon him) took his pledge of allegiance from all his companions and asked them to disperse in the darkness of the night.  But each of the companions expressed their loyalty once again in their loving surrender[3].


[1]. لا مَحیصَ عَنْ یَوْم خُطَّ بِالْقَلَمِ، رِضَى اللّهِ رِضانا اَهْلَ الْبَیْتِ، نَصْبِرُ عَلى بَلائِهِ وَ یُوَفّینا اَجْرَ الصّابِرینَ: ملهوف (لهوف)، ص 126 و بحارالانوار، ج 46، ص 366 و 367

[2] .(لهم دوي كدوي النحل و هم بين راكع و ساحد و قاري ء للقرآن: حياة الامام الحسين عليه‏السلام، ج 3، ص 175)

[3]. تاریخ‏الطبری،ج‏5،ص:419:" قال: هذا اللیل قد غشیکم، فاتخذوه جملا، ثم لیأخذ کل رجل منکم بید رجل من اهل بیتى، تفرقوا فی سوادکم و مدائنکم حتى یفرج الله))


-Imam Husain (a.s) and his companions exhibited the greatest values a persona can achieve. Conversely, their enemies showed the worst vices a person can suffer from.

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