The Spiritual Position of Abulfazl Al Abbas (PBUH)

12:13 - 2023/07/25


The Spiritual Position of Abulfazl Al Abbas (PBUH)

The Spiritual Position of Abulfazl Al Abbas (PBUH)

According to Islamic thoughts, for purifying the soul, improving the character and getting perfection, the man must clean the factors and grounds of fall from the soul as well as attract virtues and values such as faith, science and good deeds. In order to obtain this objective which is the main purpose of creation, the man must avoid the sins and decorate his soul with ethical values.

Abul Fazl Al Abbas (PBUH) is a good example of Spiritual Perfection that the divine values were set in his existence, stemming from the high human values, avoiding from the sins, sincere servitude to God and humility before God's special servants, mainly his father Imam Ali and his two brothers Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (A.S).

The Spiritual Positions of Abbas include: Devotion, sacrifice, piety, physical and spiritual courage and generosity. The great spiritual position of Abbas can be seen in his nicknames as well as in the words of Masumeen (A.S).

  1. Nicknames:

  1. Abul Fazl (Father of Virtue): He wbas named Abul Fazl because he was the virtue and nobility.
  2. Bab al-Havaeej: It means "the granting gate of God".
  3. Al Shaheed (The Martyr):

He is the one whose hands were given to God, and his severed head was struck in a way that his face was not visible.

  1. Tayyar:  means that instead of his hands which were cut in this world, the Al-Mighty Allah will give him two wings to fly in the heaven.
  1. Position of Abul Fazl in the words of Masumeen (A.S):a
  1. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): God will open your eyes. You are the Bab al-Havaeej! So intercede for whom you please. [1]
  2. Imam Ali (PBUH): "I will be glad to see you on the Day of Resurrection and you would be my proud. [2]
  3. Hazrat Zahra (PBUH): Two of my son's cut hands are enough for us to intercede for the Ummat"[3]
  4. Imam Hussain (PBUH): "My brother! I may die for you. [4]
  5. Imam Sadeq (PBUH): "I testify Abbas! He did not waver in his religion, he resisted in front of the enemy, and he died with a clear vision and knowledge, and he followed the Noble of Messengers (A.S).
  6. Imam Asr (Ajala Allah Frarajah) in one of the Tawqi (Expectations) said: " when you want to call our uncle Abul Fazl Al Abbas (PBUH), call him " Ya Abal Ghawth! Adrekni" (O father of justice and redress! Help me). [5]

Abbas is one of the best example of human perfection which could be noticed from his Nicknames as well as from speech of Masumeen (PBUTh). The Nicknames of "Abul Fazl" and "Bab Al Hawaeej" as well as the position of "interceding" which is given to him by God, prove his great spiritual Position and Authority. [6]


[1] «أقرّالله ُ عینک ، فأنتَ بابُ الحوائج وَ اشفَع لمَن شئتَ»

[2] وَلَدی وَ سَتَقرّ ُ بک َ فی یوم القیامة

[3] یا امیر المؤمنین ! کفانا لاجل ِ هذا المقام ِ الیدان ِ المَقطوعتان ِ مـِـن ابنی العباس 

[4]  إرکـَب بـِـنفسی أنت تَلقاهُم وَ اسئَلهُم عمّا جائهُم

[5] یا اباالغوث ادركنى

[6] Taken from the site:

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