The companions of Imam Hussain's Insight

12:09 - 2023/08/01

-Insight means "the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something". insight is a power in one's heart that is illuminated by a holy light and by which one perceives the truths just as one sees through the eyes, the faces and appearances of things. Some scholars have said that insight and knowledge are at the heart of religious affairs.

The companions of Imam Hussain's Insight

The companions of Imam Hussain's Insight

Insight means "the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something". insight is a power in one's heart that is illuminated by a holy light and by which one perceives the truths just as one sees through the eyes, the faces and appearances of things. Some scholars have said that insight and knowledge are at the heart of religious affairs.[1]

In the Islamic terminology it also means " being aware of the circumstances and conditions of the time in which a person lives. The holy Messenger of Islam Mohammad (PBUH) said: "The person who is aware of the time and conditions of his era will not be attacked by things that make him mistaken and suspicious"

In fact, such as these narrations convey that every Muslim should have insight according to the situation of his/her time and society and be able to distinguish between right and wrong in that time and era. Distinguishing right from wrong has been difficult in some cases at all times and it is not specific to most of the people, except a few of them who have "Insight' and are "|Aware of their times".

If we take a thoughtful and instructive view of the past history, we will find out that it has always been difficult to recognize the right and act on it, and only a few people have always been able to be completely successful in these two fields. In the scene of Ashura, only a small number of people knew Imam Hussain (A.S) and his position and most of the people didn't.

The people who didn't have Insight, committed that horrible crime and killed Imam Hussain, some of them stayed neutral and didn't support him. Many of those people who had come to fight Imam Hussain and killed him were the people who worshipped God and recited the Qur'an, but they didn't have the insight to recognize the right from the wrong.[2]

The companions of Imam Hussain were at the peak of insight and recognition, they completely knew their Imam and were obedient to him. Imam Hussain said about his companions: "I don't know any better people than my companions".

The depth of Imam Hussain's companions' insight can be seen when Imam told them in the night of Ashura:" I have taken back my vote from you and all of you can leave me now". They told him in response:" If we die a thousand times and then rise again، we will not abandon you".

His brother Abul Fazl Al Abbas (A.S) said: "Why should we leave you?" So that we may live after you? I will never see the day to live without you".

Sons of Aqil said: "… We will sacrifice our lives, our wealth and our family for you, and we will fight alongside with you, and we will follow the noble path of martyrdom that you are leading up. Life after you will be full of shame for us".

Moslim son of Ausaja said: "… I will attack them as long as I have the sword in my hand; and if I have no weapon to fight with, I will strike them with stones, until I die with you".

Saeed son of Abdullah Hanafi said: "… By Allah, if I knew that I would be killed in your way, and that I would be resurrected and burned in the fire, and that my ashes would be destroyed and that seventy times they would do this to me, I would not leave you until I die in your path. Why should I not do this when it is only a single death and after that there is an eternal dignity that has no end?"

These are the example of what the companions of Imam Hussain (A.S) said in the night of Ashura to their Imam and leader, which shows the deepest insight and their awareness of the time which if they would miss, it would never come back.[3]

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