Ziyarat Al-Ashura and its Moral Points

09:14 - 2023/08/15

-Ziyarat Ashura is  a valuable resource for teaching ethics and modeling in the field of self-improvement, religious education, and human dignity

Ziyarat Al-Ashura and its Moral Points

      Islamic teachings are divided into three important categories: beliefs, rules, and ethics. Therefore, ethics is one of the main elements of religion and can also be called the gem and essence of religion by using the prophetic hadith saying, " I was sent to complete the noble principles of morals.”[1]  Islamic ethics seeks to divine the attributes and behavior of the human being, which is one of the important missions of the Prophet and the Imams of Ahl Al-Bayt (a.s), and the majority of the teachings of Islam, and especially Islamic ethics, have been expressed in Ziyarats (written texts for pilgrimages) and Doa’as (the supplications before Allah). Ziyarat Ashura is also one of those Ziyarat Letters and a valuable resource for teaching ethics and modeling in the field of self-improvement, religious education, and human dignity, which we refer to some of these ethical advises:

1.  Ziyarat Al-Ashura is divided into two parts: Tawali (comrade) and Tabarri (Repudiate or distaste). To comrade with the people who love Imam Al- Husayn, and repudiate people who are the enemies of the Imam (a.s).

2.  Ziyarat Al-Ashura teaches us that worship without obedience is useless. By being obedient to God and His special servants we can reach the level of Abd (servant) of Allah.

3.  In the Ziyarat Al-Ashura, Yazid and Shamar and all those people who killed Imam Al-Hussain, are not the only enemies of God, but the first curse is directed to the founders of injustice, which the consequences of their actions lead to the incident of Ashura. Therefore, we learn that by taking any action, we should imagine the consequences.

4.  In the Ziyarat Al-Ashura, one part of the curses are directed to the advocates of the enemies of Ahl Al-Bayt. We must be aware that who we must confirm and who we must reject.

5.  In the Ziyarat Al-Ashura, the people who prepared horses to the enemies of the Imam, have been cursed. Therefore, We must be careful of our financial aid, because it ultimately leads to helping of Devine leader or killing him.

6.  From the Ziyarat Al-Ashura we learn that telling once is not enough to repudiate the enemies of God, but we should repeat it 100 times so that all of God's friends and enemies know, what our line of conduct is.

7.  From the Ziyarat Al-Ashura we learn that it is not enough to be sacrificed in the way of God, but rather to be sacrificed on the basis of the Infallible Imams before the God.[2]

8.  In the Ziyarat Al-Ashura there is not any speak of the third path, only two path has been mentioned (The Right Path or the Wrong Path), if we are not in the right path, we will be definitely on the wrong one.

     Finally, from the Zeyarat Al-Ashura, we learn to Strengthen our three abilities; Ability to distinguish between friend and enemy (The Right Path or the Wrong Path), the ability to help friends of God and ultimately, the ability to fight against God's enemies.[3]


[1] اِنانُّانی بُعِثْتُ لاِتَمَّمَ مَکارِمَ الاخْلاق

[2] حَلَّت بِفَنَائِک

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