The importance of patience as an Islamic principle

10:29 - 2015/10/05
Seek help through patience and prayer

According to the holy Quran Islamic principles are based on patience, perseverance, and enjoining these on each other. Next to the acknowledgement of them, in the course of practice, everyone faces with some difficulties which need patience and constancy, otherwise, he can never adjudicate and do a righteous deed or preserve his Faith. [1] Yes, adjudication and execution of truth and fulfilling it in the society is not possible, except by a common decision and having constancy and perseverance against the problems. The word 'patience', here, has a vast meaning that involves both the patience of obedience and the patience against motivations of committing sin, and patience for bitter happenings like losing members, forces, wealth, etc. Verily, if the Muslim believers of today would carry out these principles in their personal and social lives, their problems and difficulties will be solved, their retardation will be amended, their defeats will be changed to victories, and the vice of their wickedness will be removed from them.

 [1]  Commentary (Noor al-Quran), Vol12, Page: 219

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