The Serious Consequences of the America's Presence in the Islamic Countries

13:41 - 2015/11/01

This article is going to deal with the serious consequences of the US military presence in the Islamic countries which caused many challenges and problems for the people of the region.

What are the Serious Consequences of the America's Presence in the Islamic Countries?

The past decades have shown that the US military presence in the Islamic territory and the western powers’ intervention in the affairs of the Islamic countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria caused instability, civil war, poverty and backwardness in the region. Actually, as a result of the presence of the American troops in the region, the Islamic world is now full of conflicts that provide the easy way for extremist and terrorist groups, backed by the western powers especially the US, to inter the region and deteriorate the situation.

The war in Iraq and Afghanistan, which is the direct outcome of the US military invasion of the countries, continues destroying lives, public health, security and infrastructure. As a result of the war millions of Civilians have been killed and injured. According to the statistics the war has also inflicted invisible wounds; for instance in 2009, the Afghan Ministry of Public Health reported that fully two-thirds of Afghans suffer from mental health problems. [1]

Unfortunately, wars and conflicts in the Islamic countries have made Islamic society extremely vulnerable to the indirect effects of the current war. Those war effects include elevated rates of disease, malnutrition, and reduced access to health care. Now the people of the region suffer from poverty, malnutrition, poor sanitation, lack of access to health care, environmental degradation exacerbated by the current war.

As the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei mentioned, Muslim nation must learn from the presence of the US and western powers in the Islamic countries that they mustn’t trust western powers. According to him the instability, poverty, corruption and illiteracy in the region is the outcome of their interference and intervention in the region. [2]

Finally it must be mentioned that Muslim nation must become aware of the situation and should resist against their enemies. They must know that trusting the arrogant powers will lead to more instability, poverty and backwardness in their countries.


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