Imam Hussain (as) and his Reasons of Uprising (Revolution)

18:19 - 2016/05/14

Imam Hussain (as) made the ultimate sacrifice for social justice in the face of corruption and tyranny. Finally, he was martyred on Saturday, 10 Muharram in the year 61 of Hegira after midday prayers. This article discusse about Imam’s life and reasons of his uprising and revolution.

Imam Hussain (as) and his Reasons of Uprising

Life of Imam Hussain (as)
The name of the third Imam is Hussain (as). He was born on 3rd Shabaan, 4th year of Hegira or in 620 AD in Medina.1  His father was Ali (as) and his mother was Fatima (sa). When he was born and the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was given the news of the birth of his 2nd grandson, he came to the house of his daughter, took the little baby in his arms, and said the Azan and Iqamah in his ears. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) loved him and his brother, Imam Hassan(as). The Holy Prophet (pbuh) loved both Imam Hassan (as) and Imam Hussain (as) a lot. According to various traditions from the Shia and Sunni sources, the Prophet’s companions one day noticed him being overjoyed and happy.2 When they inquired as to why he was so delighted, he replied, “How could I not be delighted when Jibraeel just came to me and brought me news of Hassan and Hussain being masters of the youths of Paradise?”3 Imam Hussain (as) made the ultimate sacrifice for social justice in the face of corruption and tyranny. Finally, he was martyred on Saturday, 10 Muharram in the year 61 of Hegira after midday prayers.4 This article discusse about Imam’s life and reasons of his uprising and revolution.

After Rise of Yazid to Caliphate
After the death of Mu'awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, Yazid ibn Mu'awiyah sent a letter to the governor of Medina to take allegiance from Hussain ibn Ali (as) and others. But Hussain bin Ali (as) did not swear allegiance to Yazid, and nightly moved with his family to Mecca.5 When Imam Hussain (as) was in Mecca, many people of Kufa invited him to guide and lead them. Despite the opposition of some people such as Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr and others, Imam Hussain (as) accepted the invitation of the people and set off for Kufa. Unfortunately, before reaching Kufa, Imam Hussain (as) was informed that his representative, Muslim ibn Aqeel, had been martyred by Ubaidullah ibn Ziad, so he did not continue his journey to Kufa. Rather, he moved towards Karbala. Imam (as), his children such as Ali Akbar and Ali Asghar, and seventy-two of his best companions were martyred in Karbala.6

The Reasons of his Uprising and Revolution
1) The corrupt Sovereignty
Yazid was one of the corrupt Omayyad rulers who was not properly educated with the teachings of Islam. According to historic sources he used to drink alcohol, gamble, and commit all other sins. Yazid said, "Banu Hashim staged a play to obtain the Kingdom. Actually, there was neither any news (from Allah) nor any revelation."7 Such a man could not be entrusted with the affairs of the nation. In this situation, Imam Hussain (as) felt that his religious and human duty was to revolt against Yazid.8
2) Enjoining good and forbidding evil
Another reason was 'enjoining good and forbidding evil'. When Imam Hussain (as) was preparing to embark on his journey of no return, he bid adieu to the grave of his grandfather, the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Then he left his brother Mohammed ibn Hanafiyyah some explanations of his aims and objectives of his uprising in a will writing that "surely the aim of my stand is not inspired by vain exultation and it is also not for the quest of kingdom. It is neither to cause dissension and corruption nor is it to wrong anybody unjustly. The purpose of my stand is the reformation of my grandfather's nation. I intend to enjoin good and forbid evil. I want to emulate my grandfather, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and my father Ali ibn Abu Talib (as). Whosoever accepts me by accepting the truth he must know that Allah is higher than the truth. And whosoever rejects me then I will bear patiently until Allah judges between me and them and He is the best Judge."9 In conclusion, the reasons of Imam Hussain's uprising (revolution) were:
1. Uprising against the rule of a tyrant 
2 Reformation of his grandfather's nation
3. Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil
4. Renewal and Revival of the tradition of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and Imam Ali (as)
[2] Tareekh Ibn Kathir, ch. 13 p. 209.
[3] Silsilat al-Ahadeeth al-Saheeha, ch. 2 p. 444.
[4] Sheikh Mufid, Muhammad ibn Muhammad, Al-Irshad, 1378, p.75.
[5] The life of Imam Hussain, Qum: Ansariyan Publications. p. 58.
[6] Madelung, Wilferd. "HOSAYN B. ALI", Iranica, Retrieved 2008-01-12.
[9] Tarikhe-Tabari, vol.7, p.240.

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