Islam's opinion about peace

11:13 - 2023/09/26

-Islam strongly advocates for peace, both within oneself and in the broader society. Islam aims to establish a just and harmonious world where all individuals can coexist and thrive in peace and tranquility.

Islam's opinion about peace

peace in islam 

Islam places a great emphasis on peace and harmony. The religion teaches its followers to strive for peace within themselves, with others, and with the world. Islam promotes peace as an integral part of its core teachings and values.

One of the names of Allah (God) in Islam is "As-Salaam,"[1] which means "The Source of Peace." In other words, one of the names of Almighty God is "Salaam", as stated in verse 23 of Hashr:

  He is Allah, besides Whom there is no god; the King, the Holy, the Giver of peace...” (Surah 59, verse 23).[2]

  Muslims believe that Allah is the ultimate source of peace and seek to surrender themselves to His will, which brings inner peace and contentment.

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, encourages Muslims to work towards creating peace and avoiding conflict. It instructs believers to resolve disputes through peaceful means whenever possible and to treat others with kindness and fairness. Islam advocates for justice, compassion, forgiveness, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their faith or background.

Muslims are encouraged to engage in peaceful acts and behaviors while avoiding violence and aggression. Islam permits self-defense in circumstances where one's life or safety is threatened but upholds the principle of avoiding unjust aggression.

The concept of peace in Islam extends beyond interpersonal interactions. Muslims are also encouraged to be stewards of the Earth and maintain peace with the environment. Preservation of nature, sustainability, and caring for all living beings are seen as religious duties in Islam.

Overall, Islam strongly advocates for peace, both within oneself and in the broader society. Islam aims to establish a just and harmonious world where all individuals can coexist and thrive in peace and tranquility.

Islam aims to establish a just and harmonious world where all individuals can coexist and thrive in peace and tranquility.


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