child nutrition

Islam dislikes preventing pregnancy

Islam dislikes preventing pregnancy
13:10 - 2017/06/25

Some of the people may fear having babies out their ignorance; while the Islamic teachings and traditions tell us not to fear raising children because Allah (SWT) would sustain them.

Child nutrition

child nutrition
23:48 - 2015/08/10

We have at our disposal in the English language many ahadith (traditions) on the best practices and foods including duas, for the conception of a child and the duration it spends in its mother’s womb. But are there any ahadith that you can shed light on in regards to the best practices for the first 2-4 years of a child’s development? Have the Ahlulbayt (as) suggested any specific foods and diet apart from the mother’s milk? Have they provided any guidance on the age of a child when it should be introduced to other foods, and the types? Your information is eagerly anticipated. May Allah (swt) reward this team for all their efforts.چکیده: