the Day of Ashura

Children of the Prophet (pbuh) Held in Captivity

Children of the Prophet (pbuh) Held in Captivity
12:23 - 2021/08/22

The stirring speeches made by Lady Zainab (sa), Imam Sajjad (as), and the daughter of Imam Hussain (as) in Kufa and Damascus notwithstanding their tragic circumstances are everlasting examples of bravery, heroism, and steadfastness in the way of God.

Facts About Ashura fast

17:33 - 2020/08/29


Mourning for Imam Husain (a.s); Sunnah or Bid’a?

16:12 - 2020/08/29

Some Sunni scholars consider the act of weeping and mourning for Imam Husain (a.s) as an innovation (i.e. Bid'a), an action which has no basis in the Qur'an and the Prophetic practice (Sunnah). This is while weeping or mourning for the deceased ones is not only in accordance with the Quranic report, but also it was the practice of the Prophet and his pure household (Ahl al-Bayt).

Ashura: A day of mourning or Joy?

00:22 - 2020/08/19

The tenth day of Muharram is considered by Shia Muslims as a day of mourning while Sunni Muslims consider it a day of joy and festivity. Based on several historical reports, the day of Ashura was described as a day of tragedy and mourning by the noble Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and his pure household (a.s).
Therefore, if we want to be genuine adherents of Islam and the loyal lovers of the holy Prophet and his pure household, we should regard the day of Ashura as a day of mourning, not a day of festivity.

Imam Khomeini & Enemeis

Enemy 11:23 - 2020/05/01

Imam Khomeini & Enemeis


Imam Husayn 11:22 - 2019/09/03

For Shi’a Muslims the Ashura is a day to make pilgrimages, for those who can, to a shrine in Karb