enjoining good and forbidding evil

The methods of enjoining good and forbidding evil in the words of Imam Ali (AS)

Bequests of Imam Ali (a.s) in Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil
18:18 - 2023/11/05

- Enjoining good and forbidding evil has conditions, one of which is the proper method of applying this important thing. In this article, we give a brief reference to the methods of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil according to the sayings of the Qur'an and the infallibles (PBUH) with the centrality of the sayings of Hazrat Ali (PBUH):

The stages of the enjoining good and forbidding evil

13:06 - 2023/11/02

- It is obligatory to observe the steps and stages of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil.  that is, until the lower stage which the intention is achieved, one should not enter the higher stage. It is mentioned as follows:

Conditions of enjoining good and forbidding evil

10:32 - 2023/11/02

-Enjoining good and forbidding evil has conditions that when those conditions are not met, it is not obligatory for a person to do it. These conditions include knowledge of good and evil, the possibility of influence, insisting on sin and not being corrupt, each of which we briefly describe:

The effects and blessings of enjoining good and forbidding evil

17:16 - 2023/11/01

- Enjoining good and forbidding evil leaves many material and spiritual effects and blessings in individual and social life, which are briefly mentioned in a note.

Reasons for enjoining good and forbidding evil

16:56 - 2023/11/01

There are rational and narrative reasons for the necessity and obligation of enjoining good and forbidding evil. The rational reason is that the intellect naturally likes and approves of goodness. Reason also considers ugly and evil work as ugly and bad and condemns its perpetrator. Most of the reasons for enjoining good and forbidding evil are Shariah, many verses and traditions emphasize it. Here are some of them:

Man's social responsibility in enjoining good and forbidding evil

11:42 - 2023/10/31

There are three general trends related to the social responsibility of humans towards other members of society. One is the school of individualism, which is one of the components of liberalism. The second school is socialism. And the third one is the school of Islam. Here we briefly mention them:

The importance of enjoining good and forbidding evil

09:08 - 2023/10/31

-The principle of "Commanding what is good and forbidding what is bad" is one of the pillars of Islamic teachings. Which according to the explicit text of Islamic texts and the words of the Holy Prophet (s) and the Infallible Imams (A.S.), following this duty, will transform the Islamic Ummah into the best Ummah. Establishing and strengthening the rule of the righteous, establishing religious obligations, spreading justice, and arranging affairs. If this obligation is lost, all Islamic teachings are lost. If this principle is abolished, the Islamic society as it should exist will never be.