
Characteristics of Imam Mahdi’s (‘atfs) government

00:43 - 2016/05/23

There are set of hadiths has made mention of three types of government that will emerge after the Noble Messenger of Islam (pbuh). These three types of government are the following: the caliphate, the emirates and kingdoms, and finally the tyrants. The Noble Prophet (pbuh) said: “After me the caliphate will rule; after the caliphs the emirs will come, followed by kings, and after them tyrants and oppressors will rule, then the Mahdi (‘atfs) will reappear.”[1] However, if unworthy individuals rule, the people will naturally experience suffering and agony. It is exactly the same condition which will prevail in the period prior to the advent of Hadrat Mahdi (‘atfs). At that time, states will be formed by treacherous, transgressing and oppressive individuals. The Noble Prophet of Islam (pbuh) said: “A time will come when rulers will be oppressors; commanders will be treacherous; judges will be transgressors; and ministers will be tyrants.”[2] This paper talks about the characteristics of Imam Mahdi’s (‘atfs) government.