Marriage in Islam

If you are poor, Allah will enrich you from His bounty

11:22 - 2015/09/05

Islam recommends to get marry

Who not to get married? (Part 1)

10:03 - 2015/09/03

Who not to get married?


10:25 - 2015/08/31

Why we're not suggested Muslims to be single?

Are these two words (Mavadah and Rahmah) same?

09:28 - 2015/08/31

Are these two words (Mavadah and Rahmah) same?

Necessary of Marriage

09:06 - 2015/08/31

The reasons why Islam regards it necessary for man and woman to get married.

Why Islam has made marriage necessary?

08:57 - 2015/08/31

Why Islam regards getting married as necessary?

Encouraging islam to form family

08:38 - 2015/08/30

Why Islam encourages to forming family?

Marriage in Islam

00:03 - 2015/08/29

Importance of marriage and its impact on society.

Family is a small unit consists of husband and wife, but it affects the culture and civilization and progress of society, so Islam gives importance to marriage. It explains Quranic verse like (30:31) and (7:189) and (2:1870)
