saudi mismsngement of hajj

A Brief Introduction to the Philosophy of Hajj Rites

A brief introduction to the philosophy of hajj
11:53 - 2015/11/12

It is a brief introduction to the philosophy of hajj rites dealing also with some of the doubts which might be casted on the importance of hajj by some of the people or writers.

The Religious Significance of Hajj as a Mandatory Islamic Duty

Hajj: Its Religious and Social Significance
19:38 - 2015/10/28

This article is a brief response to the opponents of hajj who suggest that the people must be prevent from doing hajj and their money should be spent in other welfares like financial assistance for the needy.

Mecca crush survivors share accounts, blame Saudi authorities

 Mecca crush survivors share accounts, blame Saudi authorities
21:30 - 2015/10/05

Survivors of a deadly crush during the Hajj rituals have shared their accounts of the incident in which hundreds of people were killed near Saudi Arabia's holy city of Mecca.

A survivor: Saudi soldiers watched pilgrims die

 Saudi soldiers watched pilgrims die: Survivor
21:23 - 2015/10/05

As criticism against Riyadh continues to mount over a deadly crush near the holy city of Mecca, a survivor says a large number of Saudi Arabian soldiers looked on as hundreds died, Press TV reports.

I saw Muslims but little Islam, a British pilgrim said

 In Saudi officials, I saw Muslims but little Islam: British Hajj pilgrim
21:15 - 2015/10/05

A British woman who took part in this year's Hajj rituals in Saudi Arabia says the Saudi authorities running the pilgrimage were Muslims in name only.

Tens of Iranian pilgrims missing in Mina

 Tens of Iranian pilgrims missing in Mina
21:06 - 2015/10/05

Tens of Iranian pilgrims are reportedly still missing following a deadly crush during Hajj rituals near Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Press TV reports.

Why Is There a Delay In Repatriating Hajj Deads?

Saudi Mismanagement Behind Hajj Incidents
10:47 - 2015/10/04

It is a brief look at the issue of hajj with regard to the mismanagement of hajj and the probable reactions of Islamic countries.