shia sunni unity


Enmity 22:38 - 2018/11/22

Shias, Sunnis and enemy. (Wahhabism- Zionism)

Islamic Unity in the Quran and the conduct of the Prophet (S)

Islamic Unity in the Quran and the conduct of the Prophet (S)
12:24 - 2016/09/19

The life conduct {Sirah} of the Holy Prophet (S) serves as a proof, guideline and model for all of us. Through compassion, magnanimity and endeavor, he (S) was able to unify the people of Hijaz, most of whom had been idol-worshipers, under the banner of Islam.

A Glimpse of the 29th Conference on Islamic Unity [Part 2]

The Situation of World of Islam
12:16 - 2016/01/09

 An Glimpse on the 29th Conference on Islamic Unity. The meeting was held on the occasion of the birthday anniversaries of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and Imam Sadiq (a.s.).

Oppressed Martyred Scholar...

Sheikh Nimer 10:53 - 2016/01/03

This oppressed scholar had not provoked people to be armed nor to take treasonous action.

Origin of the term Shi'a

11:48 - 2015/12/28

In accordance with firm historical evidence and abundant traditions, the origin and formation of Shiaism was during the time of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) and also the term Shi'a was introduced by the prophet...


If the Holy Prophet were among us today...

Unity 11:42 - 2015/12/28

If the Holy Prophet (pbuh) were among us today, he would invite us to promote unity

Who is Shia?

09:46 - 2015/12/27

Shahrestani (d. 548 A.H) in his Al-Milal wa al-Nihal, an outstanding source about different sects in Islam, writes, " Shi’a are those who followed Ali in particular and believed in his Imamate and caliphate according to the explicit teachings and will of the Prophet Muhammad."

The pray behind the messenger of allah

09:32 - 2015/08/25
Shia and Sunni united!!

09:20 - 2015/08/25
Shia and Sunni

08:29 - 2015/08/25
United Muslims

unity 09:17 - 2015/08/24
Fake Hero

obama 09:14 - 2015/08/24
