
Why aren't some of our needs and demands met despite the prayers? (2)

why is Allah not listening to my dua?
20:25 - 2016/11/02

One of the reasons of not meeting the needs is committing sins or not having the Serious intention.

Why is it that our Supplications Occasionally Remain Unanswered?

12:42 - 2016/08/12

It has been reported that Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: Let it never be that any of you seeks a thing from Allah (s.w.t.) except that he first praises and glorifies Him, sends salutations upon the Noble Prophet (S) and his holy progeny, confesses to his sins and exhibits repentance over them; after having done these, he should then seek his desire from Him.1

Supplication (Dua’a), one of the most preferred devotional acts

19:10 - 2016/05/01

Supplication is the key to achieve proximity to God. It has been emphasized in the Quran and the traditions a lot.

The Supplications of Imam Hadi (a.s) in the Qunut of his Prayer

16:12 - 2016/04/10

The supplications that we have inherited from the infallibles contains precious teachings. This supplications teach us how to pray to God.

Imam Hussain (A.S.) intimate supplications to the Creator

Imam Hussain (A.S.) intimate supplications to the Creator
12:31 - 2015/11/25

"O God, You Who have manifested Yourself to us with Your splendor, how can You be hidden when You are manifest and evident? How can You be absent when with Your unceasing manifestation You watch over Your Servants?"

An interesting commentary on the fifth verse of surah al-Hamd

19:26 - 2015/09/07

In the fifth verse of this surah the prayer addresses God and says: ایاک نعبد و ایاک نستعین

The words نعبد and نستعین have been used in plural form. Even when the prayer is doing his prayer alone he uses these words in plural form.
