
Human perfection with the advent of the Savior

Human perfection with the advent of the Savior
11:02 - 2023/05/29

Human perfection and true happiness will only be realized with the advent of the promised Mahdi. An advent that removes the obstacles to perfection in front of the human society, and paves the way for them to reach true happiness and perfection.

A glance at the life of Imam Mahdi

12:10 - 2016/06/19

In the body of hadiths, Imam al-Mahdi is compared with Prophet Moses in the sense that the pharaohs used to kill all the pregnant women, infants and boys in order to try to kill Moses. In the like manner, the tyrant Abbasid caliphs were apt to commit any possible crime so as to kill the last Imam...

IMAM MAHDI (p.b.u.h)

Aba Salih
10:59 - 2016/06/02

We believe that he is from Prophet Muhammad’s descendant (p.b.u.h) and from Imam Husain’s sons (p.b.u.h). his name is “Mahdi”, he was born in 255 A.H, and he is alive right now, watching us, guiding us, Shia knows him as  Imam and the leader. And Imam is the compassionate father and the close friend, and he never forgets his followers.