
Dua Arafah (Voice) - Part 2

14:20 - 2017/08/31

The prayer of Imam al-Husayn (`a), the Chief of Martyrs, on the `Araf¡t Day is one of the famous prayers. Bishr and Bash¢r, the sons of Gh¡lib al-Asad¢, narrated that they, once, accompanied Imam al-Husayn (`a) at the `Araf¡t Night when he left his tent with submission and reverence. He walked slowly until he, accompanied by a group of his household, sons, and servants, stopped at the left side of Mount `Araf¡t and turned his face towards the Holy Ka`bah. He then raised his hands (for supplication) to the level of his face, just like a poor man begging food

Dua Arafah (Voice) - Part 1

14:10 - 2017/08/31

The prayer of Imam al-Husayn (`a), the Chief of Martyrs, on the `Araf¡t Day is one of the famous prayers. Bishr and Bash¢r, the sons of Gh¡lib al-Asad¢, narrated that they, once, accompanied Imam al-Husayn (`a) at the `Araf¡t Night when he left his tent with submission and reverence. He walked slowly until he, accompanied by a group of his household, sons, and servants, stopped at the left side of Mount `Araf¡t and turned his face towards the Holy Ka`bah. He then raised his hands (for supplication) to the level of his face, just like a poor man begging food

Why does the acceptance of our deeds depend on the acceptance of our prayers?

daily prayers
14:33 - 2016/10/19

There are some hadiths which indicate that there is a condition for the acceptance of our deeds which is our prayer and you may ask the question that, why is this the case? Why is it that the acceptance of our deeds depends on the acceptance of our prayers?...

To the Youth in Europe and North America

To the Youth in Europe and North America
10:31 - 2016/09/04

I ask you, young people, to lay the foundation for an appropriate and honorable interaction with the Muslim world based on correct knowledge and with deep insight and by taking advantage of tragic experiences [of the past].

Stories of the prophet's conduct with people

Prophet Muhammad
17:22 - 2016/06/06


The twelve Imams in the Bible

21:46 - 2016/06/05


Shiite beliefs part 1 (Prophecy of prophet muhammad)

prophet Muhammad
22:32 - 2016/05/19


A letter that was never written (The tradition of the pen and the ink)

12:45 - 2016/05/17

The story concerns the last days of the Prophet’s life (s.a.). Some of the Companions visited the Prophet (s.a.) and he told them, “bring me a pen and an ink-pot so that I can write a letter for you and after that you will never go astray”. But some of the Companions including Umar ibn Khatab opposed and prevented him from writing the letter..

The Rules of non-Muslims part6

20:52 - 2016/05/07


The Rules of non-Muslims part5

20:40 - 2016/05/07


The Rules of non-Muslims part 4

20:21 - 2016/05/07


The Rules of non-Muslims(part 3)

Non Muslims
20:07 - 2016/05/07

