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10 Aug، 2016    0
  There is a verse in the Quran which is a part of that series of verses which we are at present discussing. The remarkable verse is not connected with Imam Ali's person, but deals with the doctrine of Imamat in...
10 Aug، 2016    0
    In the previous meeting we discussed the verse, Today I have perfected your religion and completed My favour to you and have chosen Islam for you as a religion, and said that the internal and external...
10 Aug، 2016    0
  In this connection there is another explanation about which the Shi'ah claim that it is supported by the contents of the verses in question as well as history. Therefore let us consider this explanation in two...
10 Aug، 2016    0
    We have already discussed that the doctrine of Shi'ah regarding the question of Imamat is basically different from that of the Sunnis. Hence it is not correct to say that both the Shi'ah and the Sunnis...
10 Aug، 2016    0
  Once the Holy Prophet addressing his companions said:   "Greet Ali and address him as "Commander of the Faithful".   He said so on the occasion of Ghadir, but somehow or other this sentence...
10 Aug، 2016    0
  With a view to make clear the basis of the arguments which the Shi'ah scholars advance in support of their conception of Imamat and to show what others say in this respect, we deem it fit to reproduce with some...
10 Aug، 2016    0
  The Sunnis themselves have created a situation which has weakened their case. Umar disallowed the writing of traditions (Ahadith). This is a historical fact, not a story invented by any hostile Shi'ah. It is...
10 Aug، 2016    0
  We have already discussed the different aspects of Imamat, in the course of which we pointed out that in order to be able to discuss the question of Imamat in its true perspective, it was necessary to understand...
10 Aug، 2016    0
        Before mentioning the verses of the Qur'an in regard to Imamat, we would like to quote a tradition which has been reported by the Shi'ah as well as the Sunnis. Normally a tradition...


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