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26 Jul، 2016    0
      The principle of causality is one of the primary propositions known to people in their ordinary lives. This principle states that for everything there is a cause. It is one of the necessary...
23 Jul، 2016    0
In classical logic, 'disputation' meant a specific method of discussion and' a certain manner of debate in which contradictory ideas and opposite points of view are presented. Every one of such points of view attempts...
23 Jul، 2016    0
  Ever since mankind attempted to determine its relations and links to the objective world, the issue of forming a general philosophical notion of the world has occupied a central position in the human mind. In...
19 Jun، 2016    0
  In the previous investigation, we studied the primary sources of knowledge or of human perception in general. We will now treat knowledge from another point of view in order to determine its objective value...
19 Jun، 2016    0
  Sharp philosophical discussions renter on human knowledge, andthese discussions occupy a central position in philosophy, especially in modern philosophy. Knowledge is the starring point of philosophical...
19 Jun، 2016    0
The world problem that preoccupies human thought today and touches its core reality is that of the social system. This problem can be summed up in the endeavour to give the most truthful answer to the following question...
18 Jun، 2016    0
Our Philosophy is a collection of our basic notions concerning the world and our way of considering it. For this reason, thebook, with the exception of the Introduction, is divided into twoinvestigations: one concerned...
18 Jun، 2016    0
Author: Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir Al Sadr Category:Wisdom - Spirituality, Tags:,Our Philosophy,Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir Al Sadr,Wi,Wisdom - Spirituality  
18 Jun، 2016    0
  Up until this point, the conditions and fundamental pillars upon which a correct commentary of the Qur`an lie upon have been made  clear. However in relation to this, a question is raised which we must...
18 Jun، 2016    0
  In regards to the time of their revelation, the verses of theQur`an are divided into two categories – they are either verses which were revealed before the migration (to Madinah), or those which were revealed...


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