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01 Aug، 2016    0
    In his papers entitled the Notes on Leadership and Administration the author has described very well the difference between Prophethood and Imamat. The first is guidance and the second is leadership....
01 Aug، 2016    0
  An Extract from Notes   Dialectic logic denies that society needs guidance or leadership; According to this logic at the most society needs an intellectual and leader to bring inequities,...
01 Aug، 2016    0
    The discussion of the question of Imamat may raise certain queries in the mind of our readers. Here we advance our views about these queries. In this respect the main questions are only two....
01 Aug، 2016    0
  Author: Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari Category:History - Reference, Tags:Imamat And Khilafat,Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari,Imamat And Khilafat,Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari,H,History - Reference  
31 Jul، 2016    0
The largest philosophical issue regarding knowledge is the casting of knowledge in a philosophical form that reveals its reality and essence and shows whether it is a material phenomenon present in matter when matter...
31 Jul، 2016    0
      In the previous chapter, we reached the conclusion that the highest and most primary principle of the universe or the world in general is a cause necessary in essence, to which thechain of...


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