Maurice Dekobra's opinion about Imam Hussain (AS)

Create: 08/13/2022 - 13:04
دریافت ویدئو

Maurice Dekobra's opinion about Imam Hussain (AS)

Maurice Dekobra says about Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) as below: In the mourning ceremonies of Hussain (A.S.), it is said that Hussain (A.S.) sacrificed his life, property, and children in order to protect the honor and chastity of the people and the greatness of the position of Islam. and did not surrender to Yazid’s colonization and adventuring. Therefore, let’s follow him as an example and get rid of the colonizers. He prefers death with dignity to life with humiliation.

Maurice Dekobra's opinion about Imam Hussain (AS)

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