The Gaza Made me Shia:

Create: 06/06/2024 - 18:36
دریافت ویدئو

Dr. Tijani, the author of the book "Then I Was Guided", narrates the story of one of his friends, who used to be a Wahhabi and an enemy of Shia, and how he converted and became a Shia because of Gaza:

I have a friend who was prejudiced against Shia. But he memorized the entire Qur'an. And the Sahih Bukhari as well. He also has followers. And the imam of the congregation is in the mosque.

My nature is such that I don't like hatred and enmity.

I get along with everyone. Amir al-Mo'minin Ali (AS) taught me:

“A thousand friends is not enough, And one enemy is too many”.

I do not like enmity with people. Even though he was an enemy of Shia and excommunicated Shia.

But I loved him. I gave him the book "Then I was guided". I said: My dear. Read this book. Remind me if you found any mistake in it. And I hoped that he would be transformed by reading this book. Because  everyone who has read the book "Then I Was Guided" has been transformed by God's will and power. Even if he doesn't change 100%, he changes 30%. It is important that he does not enmity with the  followers of Ahl al-Bayt (A.S).

The  Gaza  war,  or  the  Al-Aqsa storm that you all know, started. and after two months of this war,  I went to him. While I wanted  to travel to Iran soon. Two months after the start of  the  Gaza  war, I went to him  again  and  said: Have you  read  my  book? He said: No.  I was surprised and told him: My book is small  and people read  it  in  two  or three days. Some read in one night? During these two whole months, how come you haven't read my book? He said to me: Do you want me to become a Shia?

I said: What's wrong with it? He said: I became a Shia before I read your book. I was surprised. I asked:

 What made you become a Shia? He said: Gaza made me a Shia. Did Gaza really make you a Shiite? How did Gaza make you a Shia? He said I calculated. I saw that Iran is all Shiite. Hezbollah is all Shiite. The Houthis of Yemen are all Shiites. Hashd al-Shaabi in Iraq is all Shiite. They fight against Israel. They fight and want to liberate Quds. While the Sunnis are betraying and trying to normalize their relations with Israel. That was all. This is why I became a Shia.

This is a bunch of examples. That is, this anti-Shia fanatic who excommunicated Shia is becoming Shia because of Gaza. And as he said: Gaza made him Shiite, When he counted and saw that there are Shiites who are Mujahid. They are the ones who are free. They are the ones on whom the blame of others has no effect. They are the only ones who fight and sacrifice everything for the  freedom of Quds. While others and those who claim Sunni Islam and claim to follow the prophetic tradition, help Israel. They open a land route to deliver food and other goods needed to Israel, while their Palestinian  brothers are starving and  dying of  hunger and thirst,  these claimants cannot even deliver a bottle of water to them.

This person calculated with his mind. He saw that there are two fronts here. One front, mujahid in the way of God. And a treacherous and humiliated front. So he said: I became a Shia. When I had a  conversation with his friend (his friend was also at his level),  I said to him: Do you know what Moldi told me? I told him over the phone. So he said to me: Sayed! This is the word these days (That's the trendy word). That is, every scholar talks about this issue, because Shia has dazzled the world with its position.


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