I'tikaf makes a believer avoid three neglects

09:07 - 2024/01/13

-the goal of I'tikaf is to completely cut off from others other than God.

I'tikaf makes a believer avoid three neglects

I'tikaf makes a believer avoid three neglects

I'tikaf helps a person not to be unaware of the devil

Since the first thing we should pay attention to is that the trait of neglect makes us not forget our enemy; And it is clear that if someone neglects the enemy, the enemy will destroy him. Therefore, I'tikaf educates a person so that he is not unaware of the enemy by thinking and praying and not drowning in lust.

-I'tikaf causes man not make a person forget Satan's tricks

We should know that we have stubborn enemies like Satan, the Holy Quran says: This devil insulted God several times, and he also swears in the comments he made to God. And this is what he said:

 "(Satan to God) said: I swear by your honor that I will deceive all of them except your purified servants." (Surah 38, verse 80)[1]. We have such an enemy, and neglecting it brings scandals; It destroys this world and the hereafter and our reputation. This enemy starts small trikes but does not settle for less, he goes forward as much as he can, And the Noble Qur'an says that it does not come from one way; Rather, he enters in any way he can.

Among the places where according to the Qur'an, Satan insulted the Lord of the Universe, he said:

       "God, now that I have gone astray for these sons of Adam, I am blocking the path of their happiness; I will come from the front, from the back, from the right and from the left and I will not let them be saved; I will not let them use their blessings." (Surah 7, verse16-17).[2]

I'tikaf, treatment of forgetfulness

The Holy Qur'an, in verse 27 of Surah Hadid, talks about the seclusion of the followers of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, and says: "........ But as for monasticism[3] (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. , October 2014), they innovated it—We had not prescribed it for them—only seeking Allah’s pleasure. Yet they did not observe it with due observance. So, we gave to the faithful among them their [due] reward, but many of them are transgressors; Therefore, they did not respect its right as it should have been." (Surah 57, verse27).


[1]- قَالَ فَبِعِزَّتِكَ لَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ

[2]فَبِما اَغْوَیْتَنی لَاَقْعُدَنَّ لَهُمْ صِراطَکَ الْمُسْتَقیمَ، ثُمَّ لَاتِیَنَّهُمْ مِنْ بَیْنِ اَیْدیهِمْ وَ مِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ وَ عَنْ اَیْمانِهِمْ وَ عَنْ شَمآئِلِهِمْ وَلا تَجِدُ اَکْثَرَهُمْ شاکِرینَ

[3] -Monasticism (from Ancient Greek μοναχός, monakhos, from μόνος, monos, 'alone'), also referred to as monachism, or monkhood, is a religious way of life in which one renounces worldly pursuits to devote oneself fully to spiritual work. Monastic life plays an important role in many Christian churches, especially in the Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican traditions as well as in other faiths such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism


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