The Success Formula in Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil

09:27 - 2021/06/21
Helping Others

In order to succeed and in every matter, we need to proceed in accordance with certain principles, otherwise we won't be able to achieve the desired outcomes. Enjoining good and forbidding evil is not an exception to this rule, so there must be some methods and formula which would enable us, if acted upon, to succeed in guiding others to what is right. 

Golden Steps to Enjoining Good and Forbidding Wrong:

1. Having a Good Command of Religious Laws 
At times, some individuals try to correct someone without having the required knowledge. They regard something supererogatory as mandatory, or something Makrooh [i.e. religiously detested] as prohibited; as a result, they might end up causing more harm than good, which is why having sufficient knowledge is considered one of the chief conditions for carrying out this religious obligation. Imam al-Sadiq (as) is reported to have said,

One who enjoins good and forbids evil needs to have a good command of what is permissible and what is prohibited.1

2. Exercising Moderation, Leniency and kindness
Moderation is a key factor to success in enjoining good and forbidding evil, for any form of extremism might engender resistance in the hearts of people and drive them further away from the right course. That is why, according to the Qur'an, the main factor that attracted the people to the Prophet (s.a.w.a) was his leniency and gentleness. The Quran refers to this point saying,

It is by Allah’s mercy that you are gentle to them; had you been harsh and hardhearted, they would have surely scattered from around you.2

About how to enjoin good and forbid evil, the Prophet (s) is reported to have said:

One who enjoins good and forbids evil must have three characteristics: leniency, justice, and knowledge.3

No matter how people might utter slanderous words against us and do wrong to us, we should return their evil words with clemency and speak with them gently and kindly so that our enemies and foes may befriend us and turn to the Islamic faith, which is advised by the Quran where it says,

Repel [evil] by that [deed] which is better; and thereupon the one whom between you and him is enmity [will become] as though he was a devoted friend.4

3. Altruism and well-wishing 
Enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong must be based upon altruism and wishing good for the servants of Allah, just like the Prophet (s) who was so much concerned about people and eager to guide them to Islam that Allah said,

Perhaps, [O Muhammad], you would kill yourself with grief that they will not be believers.5

Elsewhere the Quran says,

There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you and to the believers is kind and merciful.6

These are the characteristics that enabled the prophet (s.a.w.a) to spread the message of Allah among people; thus, we must also be affectionate, lenient and well-wishers to Allah's creatures and refrain from any form of extremism, insult or harshness. 

4. Patience 
According to the hadiths of the Ahl al-Bayt (as), the status of patience to one's faith is the same as that of the head to the body. Just as the body without the head is of no use; likewise, man's faith without patience will lead him nowhere.

Convincing people to change their bad habits and behaviors or to adopt a good behavior is a very difficult and time-consuming task to undertake, because people are used to how they are and are not willing to easily change anything about themselves. 

We should bear in mind that it took the Prophet (s) many years to establish Allah's religion and spread it among people. Without patience and tolerance, he would have never succeeded. We too must be tolerant and endure the difficulties we might face in the cause of Allah. Nothing can be achieved without patience because everything takes time, and if we are not willing to tolerate the unpleasant experiences we might go through in Allah's way, then we cannot expect to bring about any changes and reformations in our society.

1. Misbah al-Shari'a, p. 19.
2. The Qur'an, 3:159.
3. Al-Ja'fariyat, p. 88.
4. The Qur'an, 41:34.
5. The Qur'an, 26:3.
6. The Qur'an, 9:128.

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