The Eid of Ghadir is the day of Wilayat

12:17 - 2022/07/03
Eid Ghadir is the day of Wilayat

Eid Ghadir is the day of Wilayat

Eid-e Gadhir is celebrated with great rejoicing by Shia Muslims where they remember Prophet Muhammad's last instructions to the believers. Eid-e-Ghadir is one of the most important days of rejoicing for Shia Muslims around the world as that was the day our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) declared Hazrat Ali's vicegerency at Ghadir e Khumm on his return from his last pilgrimage which is known in history as ‘Hajjat-ul-Wida'. This took place on the 18th of Zil-Hajj, in 632 AC, 3 months before his demise.

When the Prophet and his followers were returning from his last pilgrimage. Prophet Muhammad announced that he had received an important revelation from Allah. He made a halt at the pond called Ghadir Khumm. A make-shift dias was erected from sadles, sticks and camel skins and as soon as all the pilgrims were gathered, he acted upon the revelation of Ayah-e Gadhir Khumm.

From the hadith we learn that Imam told us that, in Islam we have another Eid apart from Eid Adhuha (Eid of slaughtering animals), Jumah, and Fitr (After Ramandhan) is so important compared to the three Eids because it’s the day when the messenger Of Allah announced the leader of believer Imam Ali (PBUH) as his successor.

The Imam also teaches the Muslims that Wilayat is in our necks, for both Muslim women and men which means we have to follow Imam Ali (PBUH) as the true designated leader in our religion. following him in whatever he tells un in this religion.

In all the Muslims have to rejoice commemorate this day and the consider it as a great day in their lives because their religion was completed with Imam Ali as the successor of the holy Prophet.




Source: Was il ash- Shia, Volume 7, Page 325, hadith 5

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