Hijab is like a pearl in a shell

10:39 - 2022/08/15

no school has given value and dignity to women like Islam. Even in the "hijab" discussion, the philosophy of this divine task according to the verses of the Holy Quran, to protect women from the harassment of lustful men, has been expressed

Hijab is like a pearl in a shell

Hijab is like a pearl in a shell


Hijab in Quran

Ladies! It is enough to do a little research on the status of women in different societies and even in the current era. then you will recognize that no school has given value and dignity to women like Islam. Even in the "hijab" discussion. the philosophy of this divine task according to the verses of the Holy Quran, to protect women from the harassment of lustful men, has been expressed.

O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the faithful to draw closely over themselves their chadors [when going out]. That makes it likely for them to be recognized and not be troubled, and Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful.[1]

ladies! Almighty God created a woman as a delicate, sensitive, and emotional being, and He took special measures to protect her, by establishing special rules and the hijab is one of these rules.

Of course, it should be known that "every treasure is obtained with suffering", every benefit that is assigned to a woman also requires bearing the hardships related to it, and the hardship of the hijab does not indicate that it is wrong and cruel.

They preserve valuable things; otherwise, worthless things are scattered everywhere and no one would invest in preserving them.

If the pebble is not placed inside the shell and does not limit for some time, it does not deserve to become a pearl and be decorated.

If something is available to everyone, it loses its value and becomes priceless; such as street stones. If something is available to everyone, it loses its value and has no price. Like street stones. But things that are rare and not easily accessible, it is precious.

In western societies where women are introduced as a commodity and a tool; Even in the eyes of the same societies, they have no value anymore, and if someone wants to think about marriage and choosing a wife, he does not go to them; Because even lustful men prefer a woman's chastity and her loyalty.



[1] - Surah Ahzab. Verse 59


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