
10:40 - 2022/08/11

We've all encountered checkpoints; At the entrance of important places, airports, military centers, some roads where there is a possibility of smuggling goods and drugs on their path and…





We've all encountered checkpoints; At the entrance of important places, airports, military centers, some roads where there is a possibility of smuggling goods and drugs on their path and…

A passenger who arrives at these stations, if he does not have any contraband with him, can wait for the inspection without any worries or anxiety.

But the person who has one or two tricks up his sleeve.  turns as white as a ghost a hundred times until his turn comes; His heart beats fast; He becomes anxious and disturbed and sometimes reaches the point of stroke due to the wrong he has done.

Of course, if the officers of that checkpoint are careless or corrupt people, there is nothing to worry about, but if they are accurate, law-abiding, God-fearing and faithful people, there is no hope of getting rid of them and passing through the station.

One of these checkpoints, which has accurate and clever agents and cannot be bribed, is the Sarat Bridge.

A bridge with several checkpoints where some human deeds are examined at each station; These stations are called "Aqaba".

The Aqaba of prayer and fasting, the Aqaba of the rights of people, the Aqaba of the guardianship of the Ahl al-Bayt, etc.

The Holy Quran says in this regard:

[But first] stop them! For they must be questioned.[1]

Let's prepare ourselves for these Aqaba and we shall know only a clear and innocent conscience fears nothing.



[1] -  Surah Safat. Verse 24


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