Prophet's behavior with his wives

13:04 - 2023/09/26

-The Holy Prophet's "peace and blessings of Allah be upon him" showed everyone throughout history that men reach high positions through women.

Prophet's behavior with his wives

Prophet's behavior with his wives

Prophet's behavior with his wivesin three dimensions: Creating emotional spaces,Helping, apologetic spirit

In this article, the behavior of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, with his wives, as a wife, is analyzed in three categories: creating an emotional atmosphere, helping the spouses, and having an apologetic spirit.

  1. Creating emotional spaces for the wife

One of the characteristics of the behavior of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was to express love and affection towards all his wives in proportion to the dignity of each one, in such a way that none of the wives felt that the other was with the Prophet (peace be upon him) He is more popular than him. It is quoted:

"When Safiyya's[1] camel stopped leaving during the farewell Hajj and Safiyya cried out of grief, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wiped her tears with his hand and comforted her and ordered the caravan to descend there, while They did not decide to land in that place."

Although these things may appear normal today, it should be noted that these things happened at a time when women were considered inferior beings, and men of that time were reluctant to do such things.

  1. Helping wives

One of the most beautiful and instructive characteristics of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was that he did not hesitate to help his wives at home. He always said:

"Be aware that the best of you is the best of your wives and I am the best of you. The best of you is the best of you towards your family and children, and I am the best of you in this regard.”[2]

  1. Having an apologetic spirit

One of the most beautiful features of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is to have the language of apology in dealing with his wives.

In the Khyber War, Safiya's father, uncle, husband and some other relatives were killed, and they themselves were the main culprits. Their violations and abuses are clear and visible to everyone. Despite the existence of these issues, the Prophet apologized to Safiya about their killing and said: "I ask you to forgive me that your relatives were killed, but they were the ones who conspired against me."

The issue of apology is one of the important and inviolable principles of married life and resolving differences, and it creates many positive effects in mutual relations between husband and wife.


[1] - One of the Prophet's wives

[2] - «اَلا خیرکم خیرکم لِنِسائِهِ و انا خیرکم لنسائی، خیرکم خیرکم لأهله و انا خیرکم لأهلی».

everyone throughout history that men reach high positions through women.

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