The 300-year life of the Sleepers of the Cave in the Quran - 4

16:18 - 2024/04/20

Man cannot live for 300 years in normal condition, so how can we accept the claim of Quran about 300 years life without water and food of the Seven Sleepers?!

 The Sleepers of the Cave

The Seven Sleepers

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The possibility of longevity scientifically:

The issue of long-term life is not a non-scientific issue. Because we know that the life span of any living being does not have a fixed and definite amount from a scientific point of view, when death is certain. In other words, it is true that whatever the human physical forces are, they are ultimately limited and finite. But this does not mean that the body of a human being or another living being does not have the ability to live more than the normal amount. For example, When water reaches a temperature of one hundred degrees, it boils and freezes at zero degrees. Also a person who reaches one hundred or one hundred and fifty years of age, his heart will necessarily stop and his death will come.

The life span of living beings depends a lot on their living conditions. It can change completely with changing conditions. For examle,  none of the world's scientists have determined a certain amount for human life. They sometimes increase the life span of some living organisms to two or more times. Sometimes even to 12 times and more. Even today they give us hope that in the future, with the discovery of new practical methods, the human life span will increase to several times than the current one.[1]

In 1930, a famous biologist named "Metalinkoff" tried to prove that there is a potential eternal life in nature itself, and it is the duty of science to discover the secrets of eternal life. He says: Simpler organisms like single cells are actually immortal because they survive indefinitely through cell division. Therefore, it is no wonder that a potential eternal life is found in higher organisms that are made up of millions of cells. we  the scientists must achieve its secrets.[2], [3]

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[1] Tafsi al-Namona, Makarem Shirazi, vol. 12, p. 407.

[2] Message of the Qur'an, ibid., vol. 5, pp. 175 and 176.


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