The Translation of Fatima Zahra's (pbuh) sermon to the women of Medina - 4

14:35 - 2023/12/09

- It is narrated in the book of Ehtejaj (protest) from Sowaid bin Ghafala: When Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her) became sick. when her illness became severe, a group of women from Mohajer (emigrants) and Ansar (inhabitants) gathered to visit her.

They greeted her and said:  “O Daughter of God's Messenger! How is your illness and what are you doing about it?...

Fatima Zahra “s”

Fatima Zahra “s”:

...Wait for this corruption to be spread in the body of the Islamic community. Milk the blood and deadly poison from the breast of this camel. This is where “those who follow the false path will be the losers”[1]  and the Muslims who will be born later will understand what the condition of the Muslims was at the beginning of Islam. Your heart will be calmed by seditions.

May the good news of the deadly swords be upon you. and the oppressor's bold attack. and the confusion of everyone's affairs. and the tyranny of the oppressors! They will give you little booty and salary. And they will drive away your crowd with their swords. And you will reap nothing but the fruits of regret. What will be your fate? While "the facts of the matter have been hidden from you. Shall I force you to do something you hate?"[2]

  The women present in the assembly repeated the words of Lady Fatima Zahra (s) to their men. After that, a group of elders and chiefs of the Muhajirin and Ansar came to Fatima Zahra (S) while they were looking for forgiveness and expressed their regret, and said to her: “O Lord of the women of the world! If Abu al-Hassan (Ali “AS”)) had told us the truth before we had made a firm covenant with another person (Abu Bakr), we would never have turned away from him to desire another.

  Lady Fatima Zahra (S) said: I had the responsibility to tell the facts (it was an advice from me to you), I have completed the proof for you. Neither Your excuse is acceptable, nor your fault and brevity is accepted, and nor excuse or justification can be imagined after that. [3], [4]


[1] Quran [45–27] يَخْسَرُ الْمُبْطِلُونَ

[2] Quan [11–28] فَعُمِّيَتْ عَلَيْكُمْ أَنُلْزِمُكُمُوهَا وَأَنْتُمْ لَهَا كَارِهُونَ

[3] Al-Ehtejaj, v.1, P. 108

[4] Bihar, V. 43, P.159

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