Proof of the Martyrdom of Lady Zahra (a.s) from Sunni Sources - 1

14:22 - 2023/12/05

- Sunni scholars are not expected to prove the incident of the attack on the house of Al-Zahra (a.s) like the Shiites, but their sources prove it clearly.

Fatima al- Zahra (s.a)

Fatima al- Zahra (s.a)

Usually, in our discussion with Sunnis, we face this question: Can you prove from Sunni books the incident of the attack on the house of Fatima al-Zahra (a.s) that led to her martyrdom?

To answer, it must be said that the Sunni scholar is not expected to narrate or acknowledge the validity of this incident like the Shiites. because if the Sunni scholars acknowledge as the Shiite , they  would have to give up some of his beliefs. However, it is possible to prove the desecration of the house of Fatima al-Zahra (a.s). And also her martyrdom based on what is mentioned in the documents that describe the events after the death of the Messenger of God (s).

Attack on Fatima's house:

Abu Bakr found people who had not pledged allegiance to him in the house of Ali (AS), sent Umar to look for them and called them while they were in Ali's house. They refused to go out, so he asked for firewood and said: “By the one in whose life of Omar is in his hand, will you come out or should I burn it  and  whoever is in it? Someone told him: "Fatima is in this house". Omar replied: "Even if Fatima is in it", I will still set the house on fire”.[1]

Fatima miscarries:

Dhahabi, in his biography of Ibn Abi Daram, who calls him an Imam, a memorizer and a good man, says:

"And a man recited to him that “Umar kicked Fatima until she miscarried Mohsen”.[2]

In these sources, part of the incident in which the decision was made to desecrate the house of Al-Zahra (s.a), was identified. In the next stage, there are Sunni scholars who, after seeing narrations that speak in this direction, became clear to them about the truth of the incident and acknowledged it.

Shahrashtani says in his words about the doctrine of the Sunni scholars: “On the day of pledge of allegiance, Umar hit Fatimah's stomach until the fetus in her stomach was aborted, and she was crying and shouting. They burned her house while everyone was in it. And there was no one in that house except Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hossein”.[3], [4]


[1] Al-Imamah and al-Siyasah, Ibn Qatiba, V. 1, P. 19 : أبا بكر تفقد قوما تخلفوا عن بيعته عند علي كرم الله وجهه فبعث إليهم عمر فجاء فناداهم وهم في دار علي، فأبوا أن يخرجوا فدعا بالحطب وقال: والذي نفس عمر بيده لتخرجن أو لأحرقنها عليكم على من فيها، فقيل له: يا أبا حفص، إن فيها فاطمة فقال: وإن

[2] Sair A’lam Al-Nobala, al-Zahabi, Shamsuddin, V. 15, P. 578 : ورجل يقرأ عليه أن عمر رفس فاطمة عليها السلام حتى أسقطت محسنا

[3] Al-Melal and Al-Nehal, Shahristani, V. 1, P. 57 : :"إن عمر ضرب بطن فاطمة يوم البيعة حتى ألقت الجنين من بطنها، وكان يصيح: أحرقوا دارها بمن فيها، وما كان في الدار غير علي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين"

[4] Source of  the Article:

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