State Laws

09:47 - 2016/01/03

Q1959: An employee worked during the absence of the specialist, so much so that he gained enough experience to be a specialist himself. Is it permissible for such a person to approach his superiors with the intention of providing him with written evidence that he did the job in order to make use of this document in the privileges the specialization would confer on him?

A: Making use of the previous experience and specialization’s privileges and proving it by way of obtaining a certificate from the official authorities is governed by the rules and regulations in place. However, if the certificate was obtained dishonestly, or contrary to the regulations, the person should not seek to obtain it and make use of it.

Q1960: Certain household goods, such as carpets and refrigerators, were offered in a government outlet for sale at officially fixed prices. However, since demand outstripped offer, the showroom manager resorted to selling the goods by way of lottery, on the understanding that the proceeds from the ticket sales would be used in charitable causes. Is there a legal objection to selling the goods by way of lottery?

A: When offering the goods to the customers, it is obligatory on the salesperson concerned to set the same conditions as they got them from the officials.

Accordingly, they have no right to alter these conditions by replacing them with others of their own. The intention to spend the proceeds from selling the tickets in charitable causes is not a valid reason for altering the conditions of sale.

Q1961: Should the prices of merchandise go up either suddenly or gradually, is it permissible to sell the same at the going prices?

A: There is no objection to selling them for the going equitable prices.

Q1962: A person gave another an antique. It was transferred to the latter’s inheritors after his death. Should it be deemed rightfully theirs? Yet, since it is more appropriate to put this antique at the disposal of the state, have the inheritors the right to demand compensation?

A: Being an antique should not detract from the fact that it could be privately owned. Thus, it does not cease to be the property of the owners if they acquired it lawfully. Any shar‘ī consequences that may arise from the private ownership should be upheld. Should there be any state rules and regulations aimed at preserving the historic relics and valuable items, the owners’ legal rights must be taken into consideration. Yet, if the person acquired the item in question unlawfully, i.e., contrary to Islamic law or the rules of the Islamic state that should be respected, they should not be deemed the rightful owners of the item.

Q1963: Is it permissible to smuggle consumer goods, such as fabrics, clothes, and rice from the Islamic Republic to sell them in the Persian Gulf countries?

A: It is not permissible to violate the rules of the Islamic Republic System.

Q1964: Should government departments devise regulations that go against Islamic injunctions, is it permissible for the employee to disobey such regulations?

A: It is not permissible to obey a state law which contravenes Islamic injunctions.

Q1965: What is the view on flouting traffic rules and regulations and the law of the land in general?

A: In case they do not contravene the law of Islam and neglecting them amounts to chaos or to breaching other’s rights, one should observe them.

Q1966: In order for foreign students of universities to enjoy concessions and privileges enjoyed by home students, they can opt for naturalization. So, is it permissible for the students to apply for naturalization, noting that they can still renounce their newly acquired nationality and revert to their original one?

A: There is no objection to changing nationality of a citizen of the Islamic state unless such an act contravenes the laws in force, leads to any vile consequence, or is considered as an insult to the Islamic state.

Q1967: Is it permissible for the employees, or customers, of foreign companies to ignore the procedures, rules and regulations devised by these companies, especially if such an act could lead to besmirching the image of Islam and Muslims?

A: Every mukallaf should respect the rights of others, even those of non-Muslims.