Recommendable Acts of Prayers on the dead body

11:05 - 2016/01/06

618. The following acts are Mustahab in the prayers for the dead body:

A person who offers prayers for the dead body should have had Ghusl or performed Wudhu or tayammum. And the precaution is that he should perform tayammum only when it is not possible to do Ghusl, or Wudhu, or if he fears that if he goes for Ghusl or Wudhu it will not be possible for him to participate in the prayers.
If the dead body is that of a male the Imam or a person who is offering the prayers alone should stand at the centre of its height, that is, the middle part of the dead body, and if the dead body is that of a female he should stand at the chest of the dead body.
To pray bare-footed.
To raise one's hands (up to the ears) while pronouncing every takbir.
The distance between the person offering prayers and the dead body should be so short that, when the wind blows, the dress of the person offering the prayers would touch the coffin.
To pray in congregation.
The Imam to recite the takbirs and supplications loudly and those offering the prayers with him to recite them in a low voice.
If there is only one person joining the Namaz-e-Mayyit being offered in Jama'at, he would stand behind the Imam.
One who offers the prayers should earnestly and persistently pray for the dead as well as for all the believers.
Before the commencement of the congregational prayers for the dead body one should say "as-Salat" three times.
The prayers be offered at a place where people often go for Namaz-e-Mayyit.
If a Haaez (woman in her menses) participates in the congregational prayers for a dead person, she should stand alone and should not join the lines.

619. It is Makrooh to perform prayers for dead bodies in masjids, except in Masjidul Haram.

Islamic Laws for Grand Ayatollah Sistani