Decline fall of Saudi Islam

15:10 - 2016/12/07


Saudi-Zionist relations have been discussed  and  reflected widely on media and some of regional developments have also left effects on these relations.


Regarding it, the leftist liberal chairperson of Meretz,  Zehava Gal-On, whilst talked about presence of 122 American and Israeli soldiers in King Faisal air base in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, as before that an Israeli site, Hona, leaked a memorandum of understanding was signed between America and Saudi Arabia to cooperate on deploying advanced interceptor defense and radar system in King Faisal air base in Tabuk. The system is same Iron Dome system which is made by Zionist regime. In this regard, American, Sky News has informed about U.S. talks with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, U.A.E, Jordan and Bahrain for buying Israeli advanced interceptor defense and radar system which is followed by a war industry Raytheon- a partner of Israeli arms company Raphael.

According to the report, one of Raytheon officials said that the revenue of system sale to the Arab states of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council will be dozens and perhaps hundreds of billions of dollars and according to the memorandum leaked by the leftist liberal chairperson of Meretz, has been signed in April 20, 2016 after Barak Obama’s Riyadh visit. Regarding deploying advanced interceptor defense and radar system (Iron Dome) in a military base of Saudi Arab, the interesting point is that another issue is also related to it, and that is, Saudi Arab have recently claimed that a rocket fired from the territory of Yemen by Ansar Allah group whose target was holy Mecca.

Yemeni Islamic fighters' group, Ansarullah, although denied this Saudi claim and urged that the target of the rocket was International Airport of Jeddah which has a military base also. Anyway, designing of such  claim by the Saudi authorities is to justify public opinion, and their purpose for buying Iron Dome is just for the security of the holy places of the Muslims, so nobody has right to ask them where have you bought this system from and where have you based? The issue of Saudi-Israeli military cooperation is not limited in the presence of Israeli forces in Tabuk and fixing Iron Dome in Saudi Arabia; as per published substance of Israeli website, a memorandum of understanding is signed between Saudi Arab and Israel under which, Saudi Arab will deliver Tiran and Sanafir islands to Israel, as their delivery from Cairo to Riyadh is not finalized yet.

Criticizing Netenyahu, Zehava Gal-On said: since Saudi Arabia has taken decision to hand over Tiran and Sanafir islands to Israeli army, we have no need to deploy our special officers to King Fiasal Airbase in Tabuk. We don’t have any problems with Saudi Arabia but the only problem is the Saudi’s radical thoughts. It was a reckless action from Netanyahu government because security agreement with Saudi Arabia will make the situation dangerous for Israeli officers and soon Saudi’s terrorist thoughts can affect them.’

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