The Most Important Advice of Imam Sadiq (A)

23:37 - 2016/12/13

A man asked Imam Sadiq(as), "By which sign a person is determined to be a believer?" Imam Sadiq (A) replied,
"Verily, our intercession (Shafaat) does not reach the one who takes (Namaz) prayers lightly".

Preaching of imam sadiq (as)

As soon as Umme Hameeda the mother of Imam Musa Al-Kazim (A) saw Abu Baseer, who had come to offer his condolences for the death of her husband Imam Sadegh (A), she cried. Abu Baseer cried as well. When she was comforted, Umme Hameeda told him: "You were not present at the last moments of Imam Sadegh (A) to see what happened."
Abu Baseer asked: "What happened?" She said: "It was the last moments of Imam Sadiq (A)'s life. His eyes were closed. All of a sudden he opened his eyes, and said: "gather all the family members now." It was strange that Imam Sadiq (A) had ordered as such in this last moment. So we put our efforts together, and gathered all relatives. All were ready to hear what Imam Sadiq (A) had to say. When Imam Sadiq (A) saw that every one was present, he told them:
A man asked Imam Sadiq (A), "By which sign a person is determined to be a believer?" Imam Sadiq (as) replied,
"Verily, our intercession (Shafaat) does not reach the one who takes (Namaz) prayers lightly".[1]
1. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 11, p. 105  «انّ شِفاعتنا لاتنال مستخفاٌ بالصلوة.»

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