The Divine Status of Lady Masoomeh (A.S)

11:39 - 2017/01/09

Hazrat-e Ma’soome was born in Zulqadeh 1, 173 (A.H) in Medina. Her father was Imam Moosa Kazim (the seventh Imam) and her mother was Hazrat-e Najmeh whose purity and nobility was the reason why she was called Tahereh.

The Divine Status of Lady Masoomeh (A.S)

Hazrat-e Ma’soome was born in Zulqadeh 1, 173 (A.H) in Medina. Her father was Imam Moosa Kazim (the seventh Imam) and her mother was Hazrat-e Najmeh whose purity and nobility was the reason why she was called Tahereh.
Hazrat-e Ma’soomeh was martyred in Qom when she was 28 years old. Her holy shrine shines like a sun in the heart of Qom province, and it is like a cure for thirsty souls.
The Hadiths narrated about Hadrat Ma’sumah (AS) reveal her superiority in knowledge and virtue. From the point of view of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT), Hadrat Ma’sumah possesses a high status. In regards to her particular status, Imam Rida (AS) has said:

“One who visits the shrine of Ma’sumah (PBUH) in Qum is like the one who has visited my shrine.”

As this Hadith illustrates, not only the Ziarat of Lady Ma’sumah is stated to be similar to doing the Ziarat of an Infallible Imam, but also she has been given the title of a Ma’sumah (infallible woman) by an Imam. Considering the fact that an infallible does not exaggerate, one can come to this conclusion that Lady Ma’sumah owns some sort of infallibility.
Also in regards to her particular status, Imam Sadiq (AS) has said:

“… A lady from my children, named Fatimah daughter of Musa, will pass away there (Qum), which all our Shiites will enter paradise with her intercession”.

Imam Sadiq (AS) said this Hadith at a time when neither Lady Ma’sumah (AS) nor her father was born yet, and this expresses her high status.

One of her virtues is that she has a special script for Ziarat dictated by an Infallible Imam. She is the only women after Lady Fatimah (AS)- who is the most superior lady in the two worlds - to have a script for Ziarat dictated by an Infallible Imam.

Now on the occasion of her demise let us go over on a phrase from her Ziarat:

“O Fatimah! Intercede for me in heaven, as you have an outstanding position from Allah (SWT) for intercession.”

1. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 60, p. 216 «مَنْ زَارَ الْمَعصُومَةَ بِقُمْ كَمَنْ زَارَنى»
2. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 48, Page 317 ألا ان للجنة ثمانیه ابواب ثلاثه منها الى قم تقبض فیها اموأة من ولدى اسمها فاطمه بنت موسى علیهاالسلام و تدخل بشفاعتها شیعتى الجنة با جمعهم

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