Year of Resistance Economy, Production and Employment.

17:44 - 2017/04/02

Officials should focus on production and employment, as two important sectors of economy of resistance.

Ayatollah Khamenei

 Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, on the occasion of Nowruz:

The economy of resistance is a system. If this system receives attention only under the name of the economy of resistance, it might prove to be not very efficient. In my opinion, the cure lies in dividing this system into important sectors and then specifying a timetable for each key and important sector. We should ask officials, prominent personalities and the masses of the people to focus all their effort on those key sectors.

The economy of resistance is a general term which is accompanied by production and employment. These are the sectors that everyone should focus on. I and the people demand that the dear and honorable officials focus on these two sectors, carry out tasks with planning, and report the results to the people at the end of the year, God willing.


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