Short posts

Fasting and Ramadhan

Fasting and Ramadhan
11:59 - 2022/04/08

The holy month of Ramadan is here to remind us of the thirst and hunger on the Day of Judgment, and to prepare Muslims for a better life hereafter, and to test them in terms of obedience, servitude and worship of Almighty God, and to test piety of the believers.

The Shining Character of General Soleimani

The Shining Character of General Soleimani
12:26 - 2022/01/01

A man who made headlines in Western Media and considered an influential and important figure in political and military dimensions, made a will requesting that his gravestone not bear any glamorous statements but only be inscribe with 'Private Qasim Soleimani'.

The Downward Spiral of Committing Sins

The Downward Spiral of Committing Sins
10:52 - 2021/12/28

Committing a sin at first may not be easy, but if one soccumbs to his desires and Satan's temptations, he may reach a point at which he commits sins without the least remorse.

Two Important Lessons About Salat From Imam Hassan's Lifestyle

Two Important Teaching About Salat From Imam Hassan's Lifestyle
12:20 - 2021/12/16

In this article, we are going to review two important lessons from the lifestyle of Imam Hasan (as) regarding Salat.

Worldwide Lighting Candle Day For Yemeni Children

Worldwide Lighting Candle Day For Yemeni Children
09:14 - 2021/12/12

Today, December 12th is marked as the Worldwide Candle Lighting Day. The event is established to remember the children who have lived a very short life due to various reasons including sickness or war. 

The Negative Effects of Envy

The Negative Effects of  Envy
13:12 - 2021/12/11

-Envy is a dangerous illness of human heart. A great number of grave sins are rooted in envy which means that if one does not treat his envy, the other sins such as hypocrisy, backbiting would take over his heart easily

The importance of Salat in lady Zeinab lifestyle

The importance of Salat in lady Zeinab lifestyle
14:01 - 2021/12/08

-Lady zeinab is well-known for her resistance and fight aginat Yazid the opprossor of her time. breflily, we are going to review her life style regarding Salat. 

Want to Get Up Early in the Morning? Recite This Verse.

How to get up early in the morning?
11:08 - 2021/11/21

Many a time, we want to get up early but we oversleep and do not get up the time we want. The last verse in chapter 18 i.e. chapter al-Kahf, is narrated to be useful in helping one get up the time they want.

All Prayers Summarized in Four Sentences

All Prayers Summarized in Four Sentences
12:59 - 2021/11/02

Imam Ali (as) saw a man who was reciting a long supplication from a written text. The Imam (as) taught him a short but comprehensive supplication that covers all man wants.

Praying for Others

13:12 - 2021/10/12

Imam Hassan (as) was listening to her mother praying at night. All night, the daughter of the Prophet (pbuh&hf), prayed for other Muslims not for herself.

22 September 1980, the Start of Iran-Iraq War

Iran-Iraq War
12:22 - 2021/09/21

On 22 September 1980, the Iraqi Ba’thi regime started a protracted arm conflict with Iran with invading Iran’s western and southwestern provinces. The war lasted for almost 8 years. As a result of the war, hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives, many of whom were civilians.

Do Not Be Excessively Suspicious

Do Not Be Excessively Suspicious
11:05 - 2021/09/14

Suspicion leads to distrust and makes relationships volatile. As a result people would be deprived of each other's good and pleasant company and this would weaken social ties.
