The Sacred Marriage

12:09 - 2017/08/22

Once, the Prophet (P) said to Fatimah (S) that I have married you to a master in this life and a master in the hereafter. No one hates him except a polytheist.

The Marriage Anniversary of Imam Ali (PBUH) and Fatimah (PBUH)

The 1th of Zu Al-Hajjah (the 12th month) is the wedding anniversary of Imam Ali (A) and Fatimah (S) the daughter of the prophet (P).  In the second year of Hijrah and when Fatimah (S) grew youth, some of the companions came to the Prophet (P) to ask his daughter’s hand, but he refused their marriage proposal and announced that the marriage of Fatimah (S) is in the hand of Allah (SWT) and he had nothing to do concerning the matter. [1] Imam Ali (A) came to the Prophet (P) lowering his sight to the ground while shyness covered him and asked Fatimah’s hand. The Prophet (P) was delighted saying that Allah (SWT) had ordered me to marry my daughter to you. It is, also, mentioned in a tradition that if Ali (A) was not created, no one would have been her equal (in marriage). [2]
[1] Tabaqat ibn Sa’d, vol.8 p.11
[2] Musnad of Ahmad bin Hanbal, vol.5 p.36

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