Dog Drinks Water or Licks a Vessel

13:45 - 2017/12/13

If a dog drinks water or any other liquid from a vessel, the vessel should be first wiped with soil and then it should be washed twice with Kurr or lesser water.

Dog Drinks Water or Licks a Vessel

Question: If a dog licks a vessel or drinks water or some other liquid from it, how should I purify It?

Answer: The vessel in which a dog drank water or some other liquid or has been licked by a dog should first be wiped with soil and then washed with water, it has to be washed two times after being wiped with soil.[1][2]

1. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Comparative Fatwā, Purity8.
2. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani , Islamic Laws, Mutahhirat, Water151.

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