Islamic Laws

Islamic Laws

Islamic Laws
12:57 - 2023/04/15

If a woman gets Clean (tahir/pak) from Haidh or Nifas just near the time of Fajr prayers in the month of Ramadhan, and has no time left for Ghusl or tayammum her fast is valid.

Is it Obligatory for Parents to Teach Islamic Rules to their Children?

Is it Obligatory for Parents to Teach Islamic Rules to their Children?
10:40 - 2022/11/21


Why a woman's blood money is half of a man's blood money?

blood money is half of a man's blood money?
12:07 - 2022/08/24

If Islam values women, then why does it consider her less value than men and consider her blood money half of the men's blood money?


The hours of the night 15:45 - 2018/07/24

إِنَّ نَاشِئَةَ اللَّيْلِ هِيَ أَشَدُّ وَطْئًا وَأَقْوَمُ قِيلًا، المزمل:6

Looking at a Non-Muslim Woman

Looking at a Non-Muslim Woman
14:16 - 2018/02/05

There is no objection to unintentional looking at the non-Muslim woman’s body regarding the amount they are used to uncover.

Khums on Carpets and Utensils

Khums on carpets and utensils
11:44 - 2018/02/05

It is not liable for khums a set of dishes or carpet is not used for the entire year but it is needed for guests.

Artificial Insemination

Artificial Insemination
16:15 - 2018/02/03

It is not permissible to inseminate a woman with the sperm of a non-maḥram man, other than her husband.

Mother’s Annoying Her Children

Mother’s Annoying Her Children
17:14 - 2018/01/31

The mother has no right to annoy her children.

Cat Hair Renders Prayer Invalid

The hair of a cat on a person’s clothes
15:13 - 2018/01/24

Cat hair on one’s body or clothes invalidates the prayer.


Aborting 14:14 - 2018/01/24
Aborting an “Unwanted Pregnancy”

14:09 - 2018/01/24

It is not permissible to abort an “unwanted pregnancy”

Adopting Children

Adopting Children 13:59 - 2018/01/24

Question: Are we allowed to adopt children and consider them as our own children?
