A Glance At The Life of Hazrat Zaynab (AS)

17:03 - 2020/01/02


Hazrat Zaynab (as) was the third child of Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib (as) and Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (as). The popular opinion is that Hazrat Zaynab (as) was born in Medina on the 5th day of the month of Jumada al-Awwal, 5 AH. She had barely attained the age of seven when her beloved mother passed away. Her mother's death had closely followed her cherished grandfather's passing away.

Without any doubt, the personality and character of Hazrat Zaynab reflected the best attributes of those of her parents and her grandfather, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). In solemnity and serenity, she was likened to her grandmother, Hazrat Khadija (as); in chastity and modesty to her mother Fatimah Zahra (as); in eloquence to her father, Imam Ali (as); in forbearance and patience to her brother Imam Hasan (AS); and in bravery and tranquility of the heart to Imam Husain (as).

After receiving her father’s consent, Hazrat Zaynab (as) married her first cousin, Abdullah; the eldest son of Imam Ali (as)’s elder brother, Ja'far al-Tayyar. Abdullah was brought up under the direct care of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Imam Ali (as).

The life of Hazrat Zaynab (as) was always laden with hardship, but she never feared coping with difficulties. As a young seven-year-old girl, she lost her beloved mother, only a few months after the demise of her grandfather. Some years later in Kufa, she had to bear the loss of her father who was martyred by a stroke of a poisoned sword on his head in the mosque while he was praying. Then, she was faced with another hardship when her elder brother, Imam Hassan (as) was killed by poison. And the hardest suffering she went through was when she witnessed the martyrdom of Imam Husain and his devoted companions at Karbala.

For the love and submission she had for Imam Husain, Hazrat Zaynab accompanied him to Kufa. The history of Karbala is based on two pillars: the rising of Imam Hussein (as) and the rising of Hazrat Zaynab. She was an outstanding figure in the history of Karbala endowed with divine steadfastness and fortitude. She sacrificed her two sons but never uttered a word of regret because she had devoted her life along with that of her two sons to the cause of Allah (SWT). After the martyrdom of her brother and her two sons, she said: "O my Lord! Accept our humble sacrifice to You". After the battle of Karbala, in many ways Hazrat Zaynab functioned as a model of defiance against oppression and other forms of injustice. When she reached Kufa, she addressed people with a courageous speeck. Her furious words provoked people of Kufa to avenge Imam Hussein's martyrdom.

The exact date and place of her death is not clear but according to a report, it is probable that she died in the year 62 A.H, some six months after her return to Medina. 

For further reading, check: https://www.al-islam.org/victory-truth-life-zaynab-bint-ali


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