Two Sentences from Sayeda Zaynab (s.a)

14:30 - 2016/02/15

The most famous two sentences of Sayeda Zaynab (s.a)

The most famous two sentences of Sayeda Zaynab (s.a)

On the 11th day of Muharram when household of Imam Husain (a.s) were passing by martyred bodies of Karbala, they saw the martyred bodies, then, they raised their voices wailing but Sayeda Zaynab (s.a) put her hands under the holy body of Imam Husain (a.s) and lifted up his body and stated that:
"O Allah, accept this sacrifice from us"[1]

When Sayeda Zaynad (a.s) was asked to describe what she had seen, she replied, "I did not see anything but beauty."[2] All those tragedies were beautiful to Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a) because they were from and for Allah, because they were supposed to promote the word of Allah.

[1] الهی تقبل منا هذا القربان – Maqtal al-Alhusain.P 379. And, P 154 farsi version
[2] ما رایت الا جمیلا--  Bihar al-Anvar. V 45. P 116

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