General Qasem Soleimani: An Icon of Peace

15:54 - 2020/12/28


The late Iranian major general and commander of the Quds Force; Haj Qasem Soleimani was an outstanding personality produced by the school of thought of his Eminence, the founder of the Islamic Republic; Imam Khomeini (r.a). He was indeed one of such pious, humble and loyal disciples who devoted their life for the restoration and maintenance of peace, stability and security in Iran and beyond.
At the period when Afghanistan was under the shackles of the terrorist groups such as Taliban and al-Qaeda, the Iranian Quds Force under the command of Haj Soleimani assisted the Afghan resistance movement to defeat the terrorist groups and restore peace and security to the country[1].
General Soleimani was much credited in Syria for the strategy that assisted President Bashar al-Assad in finally repulsing rebel forces and recapturing key cities and towns. He played significant roles in the training of government-allied militias and the coordination of decisive military offensives against the rebel forces.
Of course, there is no peace and security when there is war. The imperial governments on several occasions have plotted to incite conflicts and civil wars in the Middle Eastern countries, particularly the Muslim nations in order to maintain their continuous domination and create an opportunity for an illegal extraction of the available natural resources in the region. The creation, training and funding of the terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda, ISIS etc. by the imperial governments was to this effect[2].
However, the Iranian Quds Force under the command of Haj Qasem Soleimani has thwarted this evil plot and liberated Syria, Iraq and other regions from these terrorist groups, thereby bringing an ignominious end to the reign of terror in the region. Thus, the existing peace, security and harmony in the region today is the result of the sacrifices of the Quds Force and the indigenous resistance movements. In the light of this, contrary to the propaganda by the Western media outfits about late major general Soleimani, he was a peace-loving person who devoted his life for restoration and maintenance of peace across the globe[3].
In conclusion, considering the immense contributions of Iranian Quds Force under the command of late Haj Qasem Soleimani over the decades towards the regional and global peace, one may conclude that Martyr Haj Qasem Soleimani was a peace-loving person, an advocate of peace and a key player towards the restoration and maintenance of peace and security in the region and in the world in general.

[1] .

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